Katie is my shortened, given name. Katydids are pretty cool bugs. I'm not really into bugs and I go by "mommy" a whole lot more than I do Katie. This site is dedicated to accomplishing all things mommy/woman/human. So when people want to know who DID..................... I can say Mommy DID!

June 11, 2011

Itchy Bones....

Growing up, there was no name for it. Itchy bones was the only way to describe Restless Leg Syndrome. Putting a technical name on it doesn't make it any better. It comes on, usually, when I'm tired. My mind is not, but my legs are. The creepy crawlies start and there is no way to make it subside other than to move. It's a non-stop need to move...thus the restless, I suppose. It doesn't hurt really, but it brings to mind a few things.

My little ailment is nothing compared to my friend from High School. She has Lupus and is on dialysis. I know there is even more in her history that I would care to ever think about, let alone go through. A true warrior indeed, she braves on and tackles all that is sent her way.

My neighbor's granddaughter died a couple months back from a brain tumor. She was only 4. That little angel went to heaven and left a big hole in several hearts. Their lives are better for knowing her, but the suffering had to have been unbearable.

The daughter of a dear friend, who I knew a little, battled cancer for over 7 years. She didn't lose the battle to Cancer, rather caught another disease and died from that. Her mother was able to be with her as was most of the rest of her family, that I know of. Hundreds of people were touched by this woman love and fighting spirit. How much pain and suffering she went through during those years, and in the end, we will never know.

I share all of this, not to say "cheer up! it could be worse", but to say something very different. Use these challenges, or your own challenges to find strength. Find that strength that you need to conquer even the little things....like Restless Leg Syndrome. Fight the good fight and know that others gain strength from it. And then, after you fight.....cheer up, 'cause it could be worse!! Mommy DID!

1 comment:

  1. There is so much suffering all around us...and yet, we are not to despair. Trust in God as the one who is good all of the time. We don't know why these things happen, or why bad things happen to some people and not others. And God will not explain Himself to us. But this one thing I do.. I press on! And pray. What else can we really do? Love from Mommy
