Katie is my shortened, given name. Katydids are pretty cool bugs. I'm not really into bugs and I go by "mommy" a whole lot more than I do Katie. This site is dedicated to accomplishing all things mommy/woman/human. So when people want to know who DID..................... I can say Mommy DID!

June 14, 2011

Breakfast Dinner!

We love breakfast dinners in our house. Sometimes it's biscuits and gravy with eggs and sausage. Then other nights we might have waffles with scrambled eggs. Tonight was a different night. We had waffles...decorated waffles! Nutritious? Nope, not in the least! Did the kids eat them all up? You bet they did! Laura's had whipped cream pig tails, Ben's had a beard with heath bar bits and Dylan's had a chocolate syrup smile. Sometimes you gotta have fun with dinner....Mommy DID!

1 comment:

  1. oh man i left without entering the pass word and it lost my post....

    anyways we do this too we call it BRENNER
