Katie is my shortened, given name. Katydids are pretty cool bugs. I'm not really into bugs and I go by "mommy" a whole lot more than I do Katie. This site is dedicated to accomplishing all things mommy/woman/human. So when people want to know who DID..................... I can say Mommy DID!

June 26, 2011

Rhubarb Upside Down Cake

Easy and yummy way to use rhubarb....


1) 4 cups rhubarb cut in 1/2" pieces - fresh or frozen (thaw and drain if frozen)

2) 1 pkg. Strawberry Gelatin dessert - 6oz box

3) 1/2 cup sugar

4) 1 box yellow cake mix

5) 2 cups mini marshmallows

6) whipped cream (optional)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Rinse and drain the rhubarb. Arrange the rhubarb in the bottom of a greased 9x13 pan. Pour the gelatin (unmade - just the powder) over the rhubarb. Drizzle the sugar over that. Arrange the marshmallows over the rest. Prepare the cake mix as directed on the box. Pour the batter evenly over the ingredients. Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted in the center. Let the cake stand for 10 minutes. Run a knife along the edges of the cake then flip onto a plate. Top with whipped cream and serve.


I made this tonight and it was so yummy and easy. I love recipes that take only a couple of steps and have ingredients and quantities you can easily put to memory. What's your favorite recipe like this? Maybe you want to try something new.....Mommy DID!

The Mysterious Plant....Mommy DID Figure It Out!

I love summer! I might start each blog post with that sentiment until Winter begins again. The warmth, the thunder storms, the plants growing...it's all so great!
One of the plants in my yard had me thrown. It appeared to be a poppy of some sort because the buds were more like pods. The plant itself were just so large that it was hard to imagine it being a poppy plant. Well, my first intuition was right! It's a Papaver orientale or an Oriental Poppy. There are several varieties, but ours is dark orange-ish red with a center that is so dark purple it almost looks black. The bush is over 3' wide and stands about just as tall. There are probably 20 pods on the bush with about 8 open already. They are loaded with pollen and the bees just love them!
Now I just need to research a little and see if I can harvest poppy seeds from the pods when they dry out. I'll keep you posted!

So get out there and enjoy some flowers today...Mommy DID!

June 21, 2011

Well...um...I don't know!

I don't know about the rest of the country, but Rawlins Wyoming knew it was the first day of Summer. It was warm and lovely and the perfect day to be outside. Unfortunately, the Friend family spent most of their day inside. We were able to make up for it after dinner though. I taught Laura how to pull a weed, Dylan had fun climbing around and jumping in front of the hose water. The kids even drank from the hose...you would think they have never done anything before! Anyway, it was a blast and we got a ton of work done.

Now, I need some help. There are a couple of plants in the yard that I just can't identify and am hoping someone might know what they are. I'm thinking the bushy type plant (that smells like sage) might be a blue sage. The only thing is the "deadness" that was there when we moved in, looks like there were flowers on the bush. Anyway, if you have an idea what either of these plants are, feel free to comment. Maybe together we can figure out what they are. I would like to be able to tell my kids what they are since they all have asked about them.

Maybe you have a plant in your yard that you don't know about. Share with us....Mommy DID!

June 14, 2011

Things That Fly....UPDATE!

You must read the first post to understand the importance of this update. So stop....read that post. I'll be here when you get done.......................................

So now that you have read the first post, I can tell you that Mr. Moth is officially dead! This morning while getting ready for work, I saw him just hanging out on the wall behind the toilet...waiting for me! (just like I said he would be)

Mommy DID swat that moth and

Mommy DID place said moth in the toilet and

Mommy DID flush that toilet water (and watched to make sure that the moth actually went down with the water and didn't miraculously hold onto the bowl or fly out of the water with wet wings!!!)

Mommy DID take care of that predator that was tormenting me! Yes!

Breakfast Dinner!

We love breakfast dinners in our house. Sometimes it's biscuits and gravy with eggs and sausage. Then other nights we might have waffles with scrambled eggs. Tonight was a different night. We had waffles...decorated waffles! Nutritious? Nope, not in the least! Did the kids eat them all up? You bet they did! Laura's had whipped cream pig tails, Ben's had a beard with heath bar bits and Dylan's had a chocolate syrup smile. Sometimes you gotta have fun with dinner....Mommy DID!

June 12, 2011


So my lovely neighbor just shared some Rhubarb with me. How lucky am I? Well, I'm not sure. I have never baked with Rhubarb. She tells me though that it freezes easily and, if dried out at all, can be "rejuvenated" by placing the stalks in a pitcher of water! Amazing! One site refers to Rhubarb as the "stalk of the gods". That's pretty lofty! So what makes this pie suitable vegetable so great?
1) It's a tart vegetable that when coupled with sweet, puts out its' own amazing, sweet flavor.

2) It's super rich in vitamin C and is actually one of only a handful of natural vitamin C's.
3) It's really easy to grow, loves cold climates and doesn't shy away from an overnight frost.

4) Makes a beautiful addition to a flower arrangement...be aware that the leaves are toxic!

Now, my husband loves strawberry-rhubarb pie. I will be researching recipes to find one that sounds good. He is gone for another week for National Guard drill, so I have some time. The most recent Taste of Home magazine has about 6 Rhubarb recipes that all sound really great. I think I will play with it a little first to better prepare myself. My neighbor said to be prepared for more because she has a ton! Ya? I'll keep you posted....

Here's a link to a site that has some GREAT rhubarb tips. If you have rhubarb growing in your garden or just a rhubarb lover in your family, check out this site: http://www.recipetips.com/kitchen-tips/t--1110/all-about-rhubarb.asp I think you will find the info you need there....I know Mommy DID!

And.....ready for business!

June 11, 2011

365 Day Projects

365 Day Projects are something of a "fad" since, I think, the movie Julie and Julia. In the movie, Julie decides to start a project where she cooks Julia Child's recipes for 365 days strait and blog about her endeavor. I have since found several blogs where people have started such projects. One girl took random horrible dresses/mu-mus and transform them into something really cute and useful. In each blog entry she not only describes what sewing she did, but also shows pictures of the process. It's very cute, actually! So here are some thoughts I had for a 365 Day Project for myself. Now, don't get any ideas. This is completely non-committal for now! I am, however, looking for input. So....comment away!

1) Bake It/Share It - For 365 days, I bake a little something and share it with an unsuspecting neighbor, friend, family, co-worker, etc. That's 365 different recipes over 365 days to 365 different people. Blog about the food made, their reaction to the giving, etc. Hmmm...might be a lot of cost and time. Would certainly be worth the effort though! That's 365+ lives touched and given to.

2) Thank you! Thank you! - For 365 days, write a thank you note to someone. Someone from my now or my past. In the mail, email, or hand delivered. Get creative with the mediums used to create the thank you and blog about that. Would be less of a cost and less time consuming as project #1, but as fun? Not too sure....

3) Party It Up! For 365 days, blog about party ideas. Start with the theme/event and essentially plan a fake party. Be descriptive, use pictures and be detailed...even down to how much it would cost. I LOVE party planning and have had some great ones for my kids. I have also helped with a couple of my sisters wedding. This might be a fun one...and no real cost at all. Lots of time though...

So there you have it! 3 ideas for 365 Day Projects. Which would you choose? What other ideas do you have? If you know me well enough, is there one you know I wouldn't/couldn't do? Is that a dare??? Hmmm??? Well, let's hear it! Comments welcome! And as always, feel free to share!

Itchy Bones....

Growing up, there was no name for it. Itchy bones was the only way to describe Restless Leg Syndrome. Putting a technical name on it doesn't make it any better. It comes on, usually, when I'm tired. My mind is not, but my legs are. The creepy crawlies start and there is no way to make it subside other than to move. It's a non-stop need to move...thus the restless, I suppose. It doesn't hurt really, but it brings to mind a few things.

My little ailment is nothing compared to my friend from High School. She has Lupus and is on dialysis. I know there is even more in her history that I would care to ever think about, let alone go through. A true warrior indeed, she braves on and tackles all that is sent her way.

My neighbor's granddaughter died a couple months back from a brain tumor. She was only 4. That little angel went to heaven and left a big hole in several hearts. Their lives are better for knowing her, but the suffering had to have been unbearable.

The daughter of a dear friend, who I knew a little, battled cancer for over 7 years. She didn't lose the battle to Cancer, rather caught another disease and died from that. Her mother was able to be with her as was most of the rest of her family, that I know of. Hundreds of people were touched by this woman love and fighting spirit. How much pain and suffering she went through during those years, and in the end, we will never know.

I share all of this, not to say "cheer up! it could be worse", but to say something very different. Use these challenges, or your own challenges to find strength. Find that strength that you need to conquer even the little things....like Restless Leg Syndrome. Fight the good fight and know that others gain strength from it. And then, after you fight.....cheer up, 'cause it could be worse!! Mommy DID!

June 10, 2011

Something worth watching...

Watch this...and then think about it. I am soooo guilty of using "retarded" as slang. I've always chalked it up to a "Valley Girl" thing or even "just kidding". It's never cool....never.
I love the show Glee. I love that Jane Lynch's character, Sue Sylvester, has a soft place in her heart for her sister who had Down Syndrome. She took care of her and loved her no matter what...and her sister was the exact opposite of her! Sue's sister passed away in an episode this season and I wept. It is so amazing how much of an impact people and stories have on us.
So watch....then think. Mommy DID!

June 9, 2011

Things That Fly

There are some truly wonderful things that fly. Kites are pretty, good exercise and a nice hobby for a lot of people. Birds really add something to what could otherwise be a boring existence for us. They sing, are really beautiful and soar in such a graceful way. Airplanes...yep, airplanes are useful and really have changed the way people travel the world over.

There are a couple of things that fly that I hate and become actually quite phobic when around them. Case in point....moths. Now I know they can't hurt me. I also know that they fly very sporadically and hide very easily. The will fly out at a moments notice, and probably at your face or into your hair. It is just a fact!

The other night, I opened the back door for the dogs to go out...AFTER turning on the back porch light. BIG mistake! A huge moth flew in right at my face and proceeded to get caught between my hair and my neck. After screaming and flailing around frantically it was dislodged and flew directly towards the kitchen light. I left the room to grab the broom to try and swat at it...because you understand I couldn't go to bed with it just OUT THERE. When I came back.....it was GONE! I slept with a fly swatter under my pillow. The next morning I took the fly swatter in the bathroom with me...just in case. Nothing. Later in the day, I was drying Toby off in the bathroom after his bath without a care in the world. Suddenly the moth flies out from it's hiding spot right at me! I almost dropped poor Toby, but instead, ran out of the room with him and shut the door (where is that damn fly swatter???).

I knew it was in there and it was just a matter of time before it would have to die. I got Ben to help and we were going to get that thing. We open the door and......NOTHING! Again...hiding....waiting. So, I let it go, but this time I was going to be ready. Fly swatters all around!

This morning, I go into the bathroom to take my shower. There is the moth on the top corner of the wall. I grabbed the swatter and went in solo this time. After several minutes of psyching myself up, I went in for the kill. I hit it dead on. I just stayed there on the wall. So I hit it again, this time dropping to the floor. I heard it hit the floor, it was that big! I moved the trash can and made sure it was dead by flicking it a little (with the fly swatter). I was clear to take a safe shower. After my shower, I cleaned my ears and went to throw the q-tips away. Wasn't the moth dead on the floor by the trash can? NOT THERE!!! I moved the trash can....NOT THERE! Where did it go? How could it go anywhere...after all, I had hit it twice with that fly swatter. Still....NOT THERE!

Now you tell me....where the heck did that thing go???? I still can not find it and am seriously regretting not having dropped it in the toilet when I first saw it "dead" on the floor. It's out there somewhere....in my house....waiting for me...just hiding and waiting...

June 8, 2011

A Clean Dog

There's nothing better than a baby after a bath. They are so soft and smell so good. They almost seem warmer and squishier...if that's a word. When they're little, they sometimes shiver and you go as quick as you can to get them warm. As time goes on, they start to enjoy the water and even splash around. It's at that moment you think how nice it must be to have such simple pleasures in life. With a little love, food, a place to sleep and some water to play in, you too could have a happy baby.....baby puppy dog that is!

This is Toby. He's a pill! He cries when you pick him up but always jumps like he wants you to pick him up. He pees outside, but can't wait to run in to poop! Ugh! He will be out all day and come right in to poop. Now, I've seen him do it outside, but he prefers the indoors. He loves to sleep under Ben's bed. If you call him he'll come running...unless of course he doesn't want to or is afraid he did something wrong. What can I say! I'm in love with this little guy!

The Rights of Our Children

I have a friend who's son has Down Syndrome. He is a sweet, amazing red head that has met so many milestones. He gives more to others than he ever takes. His mommy is so special and the perfect person to have been given such a blessing. Now this lovely child needs physical therapy. In a town of over 10,000 people that has a Walmart and Starbucks, you would think there would be a therapist for this little guy. Guess again! My friend has to drive over 100 miles to give her son what he deserves. I think he has the right to have therapy come to him. I think he shouldn't be made to sit in a car for endless hours just to get that therapy. I think he has rights....

I have a sister who's son lives on a daily basis with Asperger's, which is an Autism Spectrum Disorder. He's an amazing kid who has an uncanny way of calling it like it is and uses fantastic words to do so. He doesn't always like to be told to "stop it" or "behave", but what kid does. It's harder for him because he often doesn't even realize that what he is doing would ever be wrong. He is kind and loving and deserves so much. Why is it that his mother has to work so hard to defend him and educate others? Because of his disorder, shouldn't those in his world work to give him all he needs in order for him to learn to live with this. Someday he will be a grown man and will need to function on his own. I have no doubt that, in spite of it all, he will do just that. But I think he has rights NOW....

In January, our son Dylan went through a lot of "evaluating". It was determined that Dylan shows some signs of having Pervasive Developmental Disorder— Not Otherwise Specified ( PDD-NOS). This is an Autism Spectrum Disorder that doesn't really fit. Basically, some signs point towards other parts of the spectrum, but some things are so NOT part of the spectrum. So, when kids can't be "classified" they get put into this group. In other words, he's a kid that needs little extra help in some areas, mostly social skills. He's been going to a pre-school for over a year. Some people at this pre-school like him a lot. His main teacher has a special place in her heart for him. Others at the school do not understand Dylan and don't' want to "deal with" him or his needs. A letter was sent home with him a couple of weeks ago that called Dylan's actions "defiant" and went on to explain what I consider everyday life with a 4 year old boy. It recomended that Dylan be enrolled in Kindergarden (his b-day is 7 days before the cut off) where the public school system could "deal with" him. I think Dylan has the right to grow up like other kids and continue in pre-school if it means him having a better future. To learn about right and wrong and to be taught basic pre-K skills are his right. The fact that it takes his educators a little extra time to explain to Dylan what to do is not his fault. No one works harder than Dylan at being Dylan. He is the one that has to remember all this STUFF that we think kids need to do and be.

Our kids might deserve a lot, but they have the RIGHT to a quality life. Whether they have a syndrome or disorder or if they are healthy or sick....they have rights.
What rights to do you fight for when it comes to your kids? Never stop the fight....it's worth it in the end!

The Dreaded Schedule

I work in a place where schedules are constant. Not only that, on a given day, there are 7+ schedules to keep track of. And not for just that particular day...no, for weeks and months ahead as well. I need to be able to know where people are at, how long they will be there, and be able to change, update, and coordinate all these schedules. So riddle me this....WHY do I have such an issue with my own schedule?

There are a total of 5 members of my family. Sure they all go to different schools or have a couple of jobs, but the scheduling is not complex. You add in the 2 dogs and maybe, just maybe it gets a little tricky. No! It doesn't! So, I need to figure out a system or media that works for me and just DO IT!
Things to Consider:

1) Mobility - I need to be able to take the schedule with me to review and change as needed.

2) Enough space for 6 schedules...the 5 of us and one for the dogs.

3) Available for all members of the household to review and understand.

Option 1:

Smart phone: My phone is dated and I do need a new one. I would love a smart phone that has more features than just call and keypad text. I could access the web, "swipe" text and use apps for scheduling. That would be more efficient, right? Sure...but! Those plans are usually more expensive, even if the phone is free. Also, I can't have out, on or use a cell phone at work. Sure, I could check it in the morning and at lunch, but the main purpose would be to use it on a regular basis....which I couldn't do. But maybe there are family plans that are a little cheaper and have "linked" calendars. This way we would all know who is going to be where. If I change something on their calendar they could be notified of the change. Hmmm....something worth looking into. My husband might lose his or not have it charged and my eldest would have Matallica downloaded on his before I could blink an eye. But, we could establish a routine and maybe it could work.

Option 2:

Desk calendar or "mom" wall calendar: There are sooo many great options for the "busy mom" here. Stickers, special pens, post-its and more make it so easy to use these calendars. One problem...they aren't very mobile. Sure, everyone could check it in the morning and know where they are supposed to be and how they are getting there, but what if something changes. I wouldn't be able to update on a regular basis, let alone let the others know what's changed. Maybe there is a handy size that has enough space, but is mobile. I do most all the coordinating anyway, so the others don't HAVE to have theirs with them. Hmmm...maybe.

Option 3:

DIY calendar: I'm pretty computer savvy. I could just use a web site or program to keep up on all the schedules. At the beginning of the week each person's calendar could be printed. As changes happen, we just make note of them and move on. They could hang the schedules in their room as reminders and then maybe...hmmm....ok, maybe not. I can see it now! The forgetting, the losing, the mess, the waste, the cost. Well, with a little planning and some research, this might be a good option.

Mommy DID:

For now, I am going to utilize a wall calendar that has the typical squares on one page and weekly pages that follow. I already own it so there is no additional cost involved. It is hanging in a central place and it has enough columns for each of us. By the beginning of the school year, I will have researched the smart phone option and will probably go that route. I like the idea of being able to text someone if their schedule changes. I also like that they would have access to their own calendars....after all, I can't do it ALL for them all the time.